Warren County ARTS | wcarts.org

Monthly Programs, Exhibits & Event Calendar


All monthly meetings are on the 2nd Saturday of the month (1-3pm).  Unless otherwise noted meetings are held in the Oxford Township Municipal building, 11 Green Street, Oxford, NJ 07863.

Depending onCovid 19 restrictions live programs may limit attendance and Face masks required. Social distancing observed.  

Funding has been made possible, in part, by the Warren County Cultural &Heritage Division of Land Preservation.

Warren County ARTS Corporation- 2024 Monthly Program Schedule  
Month / Date Virtual or Live Confirmed Topic Speaker Participant fee
Saturday, 1/13/2024 1-3pm Live Yes Handmade Journal - Snowflake Binding Stitch Pamela Dulaff Member- Free, Non-member- $25
Saturday, 02/10/2024 1-3pm Live Yes Oil painting Helen Meyers Member- Free, Non-member- $25
Saturday, 03/09/2024 1-3pm  Live Yes Contemporary Zen drawing & Painting with Sumi-INK Aida Birritteri Member- Free, Non-member- $25
Saturday, 04/13/2024 1-3 pm Live Yes Watercolor Doris Ettlinger Member- Free, Non-member- $25
Saturday, 05/11/2024 1-3pm  Live Yes Poetry Jane Ebihara & Elaine Koplow Free
Saturday, 06/08/2024 1pm -3pm Live Yes Drawing the Human Figure Hillary Hill Member- Free, Non-member- $25
Saturday, 07/27/2024 1-4pm      PICNIC   Members only. 
Saturday,09/14/2024 1-3pm  Live  Yes Drawing the Light  Carl Ohlson Member- Free, Non-member- $25
Saturday, 10/12/2024  1-3pm Live (at Bakery) Yes The Art of Cookie Decorating Delightful Bakery Member - Free, Non-member- $25
Saturday, 11/09/2024  1-3pm Live Yes Alcohol Ink Tracey Simmonds Member- Free, Non-member- $25
Saturday, 12/14/2024 1-3pm Live   Holiday Pot Luck Luncheon   Members & family only. 
2024 Warren County ARTS Exhibition Schedule
Start End Exhibitor Reception Title/Theme Entry Fee
6-Jan-24 9-Mar-24 Pamela Dulaff 21-Jan-24 Invitational Solo Exhibit N/A
9-Mar-24 4-May-24 OPEN 7-Apr-24 Spring Open Show/ no theme $15 members, $30 non-members for up to 3 pieces
4-May-24 29-Jun-24 members 19-May-24 Poetry & Art Collaboration N/A
29-Jun-24 28-Sep-24 members 4-Aug-24 Man and Nature $0 members, $30 non-members for up to 3 pieces
28-Sep-24 4-Jan-25 members TBD All forms of Water$0 members, $30 nonmembers for up to 3 pieces 

June Program: Drawing the Human Figure with Hillary Hill.  Saturday, June 8th, 1-3pm, Oxford Municipal Building, 11 Green St., Oxford, NJ 

This program is open to the public (18yrs+). Free for dues paying members, $25 for non-members. Class size limited to 25. 

Drawing the Human Figure workshop. Saturday June 8th, 1-3pm in the Oxford Municipal Building, 11 Green St., Oxford NJ. Instructor: Hillary Hill.

This program is free to dues paying members of Warren County ARTs, $25 to non-members. Pre-registration is required and class size is limited to 25 students.

Information will be presented on how to correctly draw the basic human figure with classically correct proportions in a fun and accurate way. The methods show will encourage the artist to construct the drawing, or correct a drawing, without using reference photos or live models. We will focus on the standing pose and add several "motion" positions. We will complete a final project with our methodology and materials for this will be provided.

Participants need to bring::

  • 8x10 sketchbook or several sheet of drawing paper

  • drawing pencil (HB or similar soft lead which is easy to erase)

  • eraser

  • ruler

  • small paint brush

This program is made possible by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts.